1314 Flexible Stub 1000 Series Renew Points "rolled" at the tip to make the "ball"; that is, there is no iridium or other hard metal used on these points at the wear surface. These were marketed as the "DuraCrome Point" series.
1461 Rigid Medium (manifold or carbon copies)
1550 Firm EF - Bookkeeping
1551 Firm Medium (Student)
1554 Firm Fine - Clerical
1555 Firm Fine - Gregg Shorthand
1556 Firm Fine - Fine Writing

2048 Flexible Fine (Shaded) The 2000 Series nibs, like the 1000 Series, have tips formed by rolling the steel into the "ball"; no hard metal is added at the wear point. They also can be found in the thin flat, Medium flat, and later round feed styles. Also like the 1000s, these were marketed as "DuraCrome Points."
2128 Flexible extra-fine - Shaded writing
2284 Broad Firm Stub - Signature
2312 Italic Medium
2314B Relief Broad Oblique
2314F Relief Fine Oblique
2314M Relief Medium Oblique
2442 Falcon Stub (backhand Writing)
2450 Fine extra-firm - Bookkeeping
2460 Firm Medium
2461 Rigid fine - Manifold
2464 Rigid Broad
2550 Extra Fine Medium (Bookkeeping)
2555 Firm fine - Gregg shorthand
2556 Firm Fine - general Writing
2668 Firm Medium (general Writing)
2788 Flexible Medium
2968 Firm Broad

3312 Dip-Less Fine Stub (gold plated) 3000 series nibs are known as the "sunburst" style nibs. They are the first nibs to have hard material added to the "ball", an alloy Esterbrook called "Osmiridium". They are harder to find than most other series, but are the best looking Esterbrook nibs, and the hardened ball is usually nice to use. The 8000 series(?) were produced during WWII, from a palladium alloy, according to Paul Hoban- they are quite difficult to find.
3550 Firm Extra Fine
3556 Gold Plated Fine Writing
3668 Firm Medium
3968 Firm Broad
8440 Extra Fine Firm ("Superfine"/sunburst)
8550 Firm Extra Fine
8556 Gold Plated Fine Writing
8668 Firm Medium (general Writing)
8996 Firm Medium

5556 Dip-Less Firm Fine  

9048 Shaded Writing 9000 Series nibs are the "Master Point" series nibs, and are all tipped with Iridium at the Ball, or wear point. They originally cost significantly more than the 1000/2000 series nibs.
9128 Extra Fine Flexible (Fine penmanship, Pitman Shorthand)
9284 Stub - Music/Signature
9312 Italic Medium
9314B Broad Stub
9314F Fine Stub
9314 M Medium Stub
9450 Firm EF - Posting
9460 carbon copies (manifold)
9461 Rigid Fine - manifold
9550 Extra Fine (Posting)
9555 Firm Fine - Gregg Shorthand
9556 Fine Writing (records and charts)
9650 Medium manifold (for carbon copies)
9668 Medium (general Writing)
9788 Flexible Medium
9968 Firm Broad script

Esterbrook as well as several other companies made replacement point for Esterbrook pens that don't fit into the usual numbered series. Examples of these are Venus (flat-bottomed feed similiar to the early Esterbrook style), Osmiroid (often used for calligraphic writing), and Sengbusch.

Special thanks to Rick Conner , Mike Madison , Andrew Gnoza, Paul Hoban, Debbie Odell, and Mark Manning who made this easier by leaving their own data and commentary laying around for me to steal or by snooping through their collection and providing info.     - Larry Snyder

Last Updated 1/07