Pigeon Point Emergency Hub Survey

Information Request - Pigeon Point Emergency Hub

In case of a disaster, the Pigeon Point Hub is here for all of us. (We are part of the citywide network of volunteer hubs)

One of the most important ways to be prepared for natural disasters or other events that make communication difficult is to know who our neighbors are and what they need. To that end, we ask that you please fill out this neighborhood survey.

We respect your privacy! The survey is entirely optional, so only fill out what you are comfortable with. We only want to help our community and keep you safe! This information will be used for neighborhood use only, and by 'neighborhood' we mean the area roughly bounded by West Marginal Way, the bridge, Delridge and 23rd-22nd-21st-Dawson. (Click for rough map)

↠ Click HERE to take the survey. ↞

More about the Pigeon Point Emergency Communication Hub

We are just one of a citywide network of volunteer-led organized groups of neighbors who receive training on how to support their community after an earthquake, extreme weather event or any other disaster that makes normal modes of communication difficult or impossible.

If city emergency services are unavailable (a real possibility in a disaster) the Pigeon Point Emergency Hub – located at the corner of 20th Avenue SW and SW Genesee Street – will be activated, and neighbors can gather there to get information, emergency assistance, and/or help everyone get through the event safely. The Hub is able to communicate with other Hubs and the Seattle Office of Emergency Management through our network of volunteer radio operators.

If you have any questions about the Hub or this survey, please email us at PigeonPointSeattle@gmail.com

Note: If you're curious about the domain name hosting this survey, it is because our online survey mechanism is written and operated by Larry Snyder, a Pigeon Point resident (21st@Andover)